Jun 22, 2018
This week's episode of the Walk Humbly Podcast includes:
Retired Archbishop of Washington, Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, was removed from public ministry this week after an accusation of sexual abuse was deemed credible by the Archdiocese of New York. Bishop Burbidge reacts to the news and explains how the Diocese of Arlington makes the protection of children a priority and helps victims of abuse.
President Trump signed an executive order in which he broadened the scope of families kept together after they were arrested for crossing the U.S. border illegally. Bishop Burbidge shares his thoughts about the need for comprehensive immigration reform.
This week, 830 teenagers from throughout our Diocese will repair more than 100 homes for needy families throughout northern and central Virginia during WorkCamp. Bishop Burbidge shares the pride he has in the work of these teens.
Today kicks off Religious Freedom Week! Bishop Burbidge invites you to explore the resources on our website and to subscribe to a daily email with opportunities to Pray, Reflect and Act through June 29.
Tonight, you’re invited to the Mass for Multicultural Communities. Bishop Burbidge talks about how diversity is beautiful in unity.
Bishop Burbidge also answers these questions from the faithful:
Is Religious Freedom Week about religious freedom for all, or only for Christians?
Catholic priests ask God to change the host into the Body, and they can summon God’s grace to forgive sins. Do priests have God-like powers?
I was taught by nuns, and I feel I benefited greatly from this type of religious education. What can we as laity do to increase the number of nuns in our Diocese?