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Oct 28, 2020

This is Bishop Michael Burbidge of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington. As our nation counts down the days to the election, we are reminded that it is our constitutional right, privilege, and sacred duty to vote, especially with so much at stake. But we must do so asinformedcitizens who know the issues and the positions...

Oct 26, 2020

In this week’s episode of the Walk Humbly Podcast:

  • Uplift Arlington is back with the theme “One Nation, Under God” on Oct. 28
  • The Archbishop of Washington DC will be named a Cardinal by Pope Francis
  • Pope Francis’ comments on civil unions
  • Father Michael McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus, to be...

Oct 19, 2020

This is Bishop Michael Burbidge of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington. So many individuals, including some in our families and communities, sadly, suffer from addiction and substance abuse. For some it all started with prescription drugs after a surgery or procedure. For others it may have been an escape from the...

Oct 14, 2020

On this episode of The Walk Humbly Podcast:

  • What Bishop Burbidge learned by visiting our high schools
  • What role should abortion play in our vote?
  • Pope Francis’ new encyclical asks us to pause and reflect on concrete actions we can take to improve fraternal love and social friendship

Questions from the faithful:

  • How...

Oct 12, 2020

This is Bishop Michael Burbidge of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington. In life, we all have regrets and worries. We regret things we did yesterday or in the past: the poor decisions, the failures, and the disappointment we have caused others. Our worries, however, are often rooted in days that have not yet come: the...