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Jun 5, 2023

On this week's episode, Bishop Burbidge: 

  • Recaps the joyful ordinations of nine men to the priesthood 


  • Shares his support for the Adoption Tax Credit Refundability Act of 2023 

(H.R. 3662) which increases opportunities for children to be adopted 


  • Expresses deep concerns over the mockery of the Catholic faith recently endorsed by L.A. Dodgers 

  • Relays his hopes for what the faithful will glean from the new diocesan docu-series entitled Mary, Explained  

  • Gives advice to college students on living well at home during the summer months 

Bishop also answers the following questions from the faithful: 
Why does the annulment process take so long? 

What qualities do you look for during the hiring process for your staff?