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Nov 25, 2019

We often ensure we are prepared for things like natural disasters or emergencies, yet we need that same vigilance in our spiritual lives. Our time here on Earth is limited and can end in the blink of an eye. Thus we must be prepared at all times, for we do not know the day nor the hour when the Son of Man will return.

Nov 25, 2019

Bishop Michael F. Burbidge encourages you to remember the true meaning of Thanksgiving this week while you're sitting around the table with family and friends. Remember all those who are alone or without a home, as they are also our brothers and sisters.

Nov 18, 2019

Bishop Burbidge returns from a General Assembly meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and addresses the following topics:

  • New mechanism for reporting allegations of sexual abuse by bishops ahead of schedule
  • Is abortion a “preeminent priority?”
  • A new program for priestly formation is sent to Rome...

Nov 11, 2019

In honor of Veterans Day, Bishop Burbidge shares the story of Fr. Vincent Capodanno, a U.S. Navy chaplain who was awarded the Medal of Honor for heroic service ministering to troops during the Vietnam War.

Nov 7, 2019

Have you ever noticed that a conversation becomes more personal when you call the other person by name? Jesus knows us all personally and calls us individually, walking with us through adversity. He invites us to a more intimate friendship with Him every day.