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Jun 29, 2020

This weekend is the Fourth of July, and it will no doubt feel differently than it ever has before. A day of parades, fireworks, and other activities will likely look much different. But in recent months, we've seen Americans supporting one another and taking drastic steps to be part of the solution. Clearly this nation...

Jun 24, 2020

Watch (or listen) to the Walk Humbly Podcast live from WorkCamp 2020. Many changes were made to ensure young people still had the opportunity to assist those in need, but WorkCamp is still happening. Bishop Burbidge speaks with 5 young people about their experience and why they decided to come, despite the...

Jun 22, 2020

This week in the United States we promote with great fervor and commitment, Religious Freedom Week. In our country the framers of the Constitution determined that the protection of religious liberty was so important it became part of our First Amendment rights. Regrettably, nearly 230 years later, the battle must...

Jun 12, 2020

In this week’s episode of the Walk Humbly Podcast:

  • Catholic Charities receives a national honor for its free clinic
  • Bishop Burbidge discusses the importance of mentorship for newly ordained priests
  • Ward Jones, the Chief Operations Officer for the Diocese, talks about how the Reintegration Working Group discerned our...

Jun 1, 2020

At this time in our world and nation with so much uncertainty and anxiety, the beautiful prayer of St. Patrick is a source of consolation for all of us. We persevere and find strength from each other, while being secure in the knowledge that we never face life's struggles alone. God is with us every step of the way.